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Automatic Collections

Automatic Collections are based on the tags associated with your content. They allow you to browse your tagged files with greater ease. The majority of tags and these collections are automatically generated by EdgeRover™ when it analyzes images to find objects within them. However, any documents that you manually tag, will also cause an Automatic Collection to be created.

To see these Collections, click Collections in the main menu. Collections are listed in the For you grouping.

A few things to note:

  • Automatically generated tags may be incorrect. You might see objects mis-categorized. EdgeRover™ is good, but it isn't as capable as you yet!
  • At this time, you cannot override or remove automatically generated tags. You can however add manual tags to supplement the automatic ones.
  • Images often contain multiple tags so the same image will appear in multiple Collections. For example, a photo of a car could appear in both the Car and Sky collections.
  • Automatically generated tags, and therefore collections, may be different between Microsoft Windows® and macOS versions of EdgeRover.

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